1 definition by thissounddefense

Pompous news anchor with a staggering ego. Claims to be neutral, unbiased, and "looking out" for the everyday American, but commits more logical fallacies per broadcast than any other. Also spends more time plugging merchandise, books, and website memberships on air than any other. Has been caught in multiple lies, fabrications, and exaggerations, and is prone to patronizing his guests as well as all of his viewers (whether or not they realize it). A joke of a journalist rivaled only by Geraldo Rivera, the "debate" content of his show is really a series of cat fights resulting in mic-cutting and arrogance. Clearly a conservative, lies about it, and although he claims to be independent, cannot bring himself to fathom why the ACLU opposes religious displays in government buildings.
Look, jackass, if you need this prick doing your thinking for you, you've got bigger problems than saving up for that Bill O'Reilly mug.
by thissounddefense August 27, 2005
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