1 definition by thesupposableslut

A young woman/ girl who is seen as generally lovely and funny and attracts attention. Not always wanted and never lets it go to their head. Russians seem to favour their name sake and pale complexion aswell as their 'Strage but Interesting' ways. They are down to earth and this seems to give them many of their suiters.

With affection shown in a manner of ways; unneeded touching, nicknames and pants pulled down at the sight of them, girls with this name only choose one person and stick with them, not ones to sleep around but many see them as 'sluts'

"Urgh, They always talk to her! Why?!"

"She's called Emma obviously, she's just got one of those faces..."

'It's an Emma thing, you wouldn't understand'
by thesupposableslut August 29, 2011
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