1 definition by the_pan_ace_of_chaos

A term usually used to patronize women and blame them for the fact that their dad was a horrible parents.

When not used in that context, it is used to describe a person who has lasting scars from their father, whether they didn’t have one, he was neglectful, or he was abusive.

Daddy issues tend to leave lasting scars on a person, usually affecting the relationships they are in. Sometimes, people with Daddy Issues end up in abusive relationships because they don’t know how they’re supposed to be treated.
Me: “I have to go to my dad’s house this weekend. I’m scared as hell.”

My friend: “Oof. I don’t have a dad.”

My other friend: “Better to not have one than yours ignore you.”

Random guy in my class: “Damn, you guys have some daddy issues.”
by the_pan_ace_of_chaos September 26, 2021
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