4 definitions by the head pipeliner

to apply hot sauce to the penis and then fuck someone in the ass
"I'm going to pick up some hot sauce so we can have a hot weiner salad for dinner." Yum!
by the head pipeliner September 9, 2006
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sprinkling sugar on the pussy, blowing on it, and then taking a bite
"I would love a sugar air cake followed by a hot weiner salad"
by the head pipeliner September 9, 2006
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riding on a bicycle over a rocky terrane to get yourself off
"Gloria refused to get off of her bicycle. I think she was giving herself an amish vibrator"
by the head pipeliner September 9, 2006
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I loose a condom in the pussy while having sex
"I lost my sock in the stairwell. It was slippery"
by the head pipeliner September 9, 2006
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