1 definition by the exestential onion

A condescending yo-yo dieting and especially wealthy talk show host. She manages to fake empathy with many a fan and brainwash numerous women with cheap advice or quick fixes to life. She appears self centered and completely absorbed with herself for becoming famous. For example when that writer lied to her on her show, it was for lying to the almighty Oprah, instead of deceiving her fans or many other individuals. Instead of taking a real stance on important issues Oprah uses soft media or sob stories to grab ignorant people's attention and create a fan base.
Mrs. One: "Did you see?! Oprah Winfrey put that man who sold her bad Chinese food on trial!"
Mr. One: "Hmm.. shouldn't she focus on the unstable economy or that horrendous war instead of these trivial issues?"
by the exestential onion October 12, 2008
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