2 definitions by taylor k

In technicality, this word has several meanings and several ways of pronunciation. A niderider is someone who lurks in the midst of everlasting nide. On the nides that seem endless, like the summer days in mid July, whilst storms are abrewing. if you aren't a niderider, consider yourself warned. Being on the outside of the box is never a good thing, get in the square, or don't be in the town of a drare.
The niderider too strides at the end of the lide.
by taylor k December 16, 2007
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Being grapelapely is an accomplishment. If you become the grapest lape of all, you have exceeded expectations of any human out there. Congrats. Graping lapily is something everyone should try to pursue in a lifetime, once you have done this, you have done it all
by taylor k December 16, 2007