1 definition by tarheel_fan

The place where you used to laugh non-stop but now can waste 90 minutes of your time waiting for a laugh, but never getting one (with the one exception of seeing an episode with Celebrity Jeopardy)
SNL - Best of Celebrity Jeopardy

Alex Trebek - "Yes it was a trick question, why don't you pick a category Mr. Connory"
Sean Connery - "I've got to ask you about the Penis Mightier""
Alex Trebek - "The What? No, no, no, no, no.... that's the Pen Is Mightier"
Sean Connery - "Gussy it up however you want Trebek, what matters is does it work? Will it really mighty my penis, man?"
Alex Trebek - "It's not a product Mr. Connery."
Sean Connery - "Cause I've ordered products like that before and wasted a pretty penny, I don't mind telling you, and if the Penis Mightier really works, I'll order a dozen."
Alex Trebek - "It's not a mightier, there's no such thing"
Nicholas Cage - "Wait, wait wait.... are you selling Penis Mightiers?"
Alex Trebek - "No I'm not!"
Sean Connery - "Well you're sitting on a gold mine."
Alex Trebek - "Fine, let's just go on to final jeopardy..."
by tarheel_fan October 7, 2005
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