1 definition by t to the d

people think its more like a Jewish community. well it is somewhat but it is actually pretty diverse. the most famous brand is definitely abrecrombie or coach. for the most part houses are freakin awesome! and the schools are good. but great neck south is way better than great neck north. the middle school in south is bigger than the high school in north. and trust me great neck is not filled with japs! ya there are japs. but for the most part there are more class clowns in great neck! not even a single day u wont laugh in atleast one class! so great neck is gud. ya peeps try to be ghetto but there are actually ghetto kids 2! try coming here nd u'll understand y
great neck has bagelman, coldstone, the squire and fun places like dat!
by t to the d October 20, 2007
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