2 definitions by subversive

Female equivalent of a boner. An erect clitoris. Adaption of 'flick the bean' as in to stimulate the clitoris.
'you know when she's liking it from the size of her beana.'

'man that chick was a squirter with a massive beana.'

'my trans f-buddy is growing one hell of a beana.'

'my slightly retarded toddler just won't stop playing with her bits until she gets hold of her beana, and off she goes.'
by subversive June 29, 2012
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Something that is both bad and wrong, like killing someone. From the movie Kung Pow!: Enter the Fist.
Kicking someone in the crotch is not just low, it's b'dong.
by subversive February 19, 2005
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