1 definition by springdalian21

A town right outside of Fayetteville, known for it's Tyson Chicken World Headquarters and Plant and George's Chicken Headquarters and Plant. Often referred to by locals as Chickendale or Mini Mexico. You will find rednecks, Mexicans, and Marshallese people abundantly here. It's the only place Marshallese people emigrate to. High school rivalry is Dogs vs. Cats. Nothing to do here but go to Fayetteville and stir up trouble.
Springdalian: "I've been learning more Spanish in the hallways than I do in class!"
Out of Towner: "Oh, you must be from Springdale."

Springdale Student 1: "I saw a Marshallese person playing the ukelele in the hall today at school."
Student 2: "Did you see the rednecks with the dead deer in their truck in the parking lot this morning too?"
by springdalian21 June 27, 2011
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