1 definition by sophie240

An all-girl, catholic high school in Hingham, Massachusetts. The people who attend this school consist of upper-class snobby bitches from the south shore. Because uniforms are mandatory, girls find other way to flaunt their wealthiness. Such as sporting the latest bag from coach, being decked out in tiffany's, or driving a bmw/audi/range rover to school. a selected 12 or so kids from each grade, the "cool" kids, party together every weekend with the "cool" boys from bc high. these kids really are the shit, and if you aren't in this group you really have no reason to live. everyone at this school is an all over acheiver who eventually goes on to attend bc, bowdoin, bates, trinity, middlebury, vanderbilt, and of course the ivy leagues. all in all, this school sucks.
nda student #1: hey what do you want to do this weekend?
nda student #2: well since we aren't in the group at notre dame academy we don't really have anything do to. we just have to wait until sunday night when they add all their pictures on facebook to see what they did this weekend and how much fun they had
nda student #1: okay!!
by sophie240 October 26, 2008
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