3 definitions by someone jim

the Achilles Heel of a Bosgrel*

*see definition of Bosgrel for additional information
Sam: yo man, a Bosgrel attacked me, but I defeated it with my Holy Damage. Jesus was within. Allow it blud!
by someone jim April 28, 2008
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(Verb: to brindle) to keep hold of a marijuana cigarette until the point at which it has extinguished itself.
Buzz, you've brindled that joint you muppet!

Trust Jake to brindle the joint.

Has anyone got a lighter- this joint has been brindled?
by someone jim May 1, 2008
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(verb: to brindle) to keep hold of a marijuana cigarette up to the point at which it has extinguished itself.

(noun: a brindle) a person who is known to regularly brindle a joint, much to the annoyance of his fellow tokers.
Buzz, you've brindled that joint!

Trust Jake to Brindle the joint.

Dude, have you got a lighter? - this joint's been brindled.
by someone jim May 1, 2008
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