1 definition by snapdog

(noun, adj.) a term used to describe something extremely unsafe, hazardous, or generally unfit for use. Named after the Chinatown bus company Fung Wah that was shut down by federal regulators from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration in early 2013 due to failure to comply with investigators and refusing to release safety records after failing bus inspections.

Although a favorite with the budget-conscious traveling between Boston and New York, the bus line was well-known for its notorious reputation for poor maintenance to its crazy passengers that were loud and reeked of body odor and the smell of fast food brought along for the ride.

Can also be used to describe something generally lame or ghetto.
I live in the fung wah of apartments.

That's so fung wah.

Carnival is the fung wah of cruise ships.
by snapdog April 9, 2013
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