1 definition by smax615

-To remove the inner soft bready part of a bagel in order to reduce the amount of carbs consumed

-A person (male or female) who orders their bagels "scooped out", or without the inner soft bready part

-One who prefers their bagels scooped out

-A person exhibiting J.A.P.-like qualities, such as ordering their bagels scooped who is or is not a member of the Jewish faith
-A person who frequents Tompkins Square Bagels in the East Village, New York wearing yoga pants and nike running shoes and orders their bagels scooped
"Can I have a whole wheat everything bagel, but can you scoop out the inside and put lots of tofu veggie spread on...I don't want too many carbs."

"He looks like the type of guy that would scoop his bagels."
"Look at that scoop right there."
by smax615 January 28, 2015
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