1 definition by skulkadin

It's the guy to blame when the Fed's come knocking on your door.

A body double or look-alike.

A vision of one's self out of the corner of your eye.

I heard her say, "Now that's one good looking doppelgänger."

In folklore it's a harbinger of back luck:

a) When you see your own doppelgänger, it's an omen of death.

b) When you see a relative's or friend's doppelgänger it could mean illness or bad luck for him/her.
German origin: 2 words a)Doppel- double b)Gänger- walk or walker
Zooey Deschanel's doppelgänger would be Katy Perry or vise versa.
True story:
In a dream or vision Abraham Lincoln looked in a mirror and saw two reflections of himself. One paler then the other.
This doppelgänger was an omen that he would not survive his second term in office.
by skulkadin September 26, 2013
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