1 definition by shtinker

Commonly used in Australia to describe a person who devotes his entire time shredding/mass bulking at the gym for that awaited electronic music festival , notably Stereosonic, in an dire attempt to root as many chicks as possible.

They can be identified:
- often being wog or leb/arab
- being seen taking mirror selfies exposing as much muscle feature (e.g. thighs, v of the pelvis) right after their extentive spray tan
- often at the gym posing infront of the mirror seeing themselves as a 'god's creation'
- their pathetic try hard zyzz indie hair cut
- were bullied in highschool by their distasteful sense
- wearing girl booty shorts with a singlet tucked into it (thus shirtless) in the beach/music concert trying to attract girls into grinding them.

- only take pingers in concerts coz beers fuck up shreddin'
- have a tribal tatoo to exposed their 'rugged' and 'cultured' side
- does the ripe-off zyzz pose during photo opportunities and the juicy wiggle on videos
Bruss 'Hey Lady how's it going? Are you 'mirin my temple'

Chick "Get a life, you attention seeking douche. No girl wants a piece of shit like you"
by shtinker December 9, 2013
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