8 definitions by shivers

A root vegetable. For some reason, a popular subject in Flash cartoons.

Can be boiled, mashed, and stuck in a stew.

Can be given to the girl you love as a way of saying "I have many ways in which I show my love for you, and it doesn't matter at all what you look like, I will still love you." Doesn't always work. Better than roses because roses are just a way of saying, "My love for you is transitory and based solely on your appearance."

Sometimes acts rather strange, repeating its name over and over, hopping around on a pogo stick, and saying "Chips!" shortly after unexpectedly being turned into fries.
What's taters, precious?
Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew!

Pooootato, potato, potato.

NefClock: Roses? No, dude, you should give her a potato.
OmniClock: A potato? Why?
Nef: Well, there are a lot of reasons. Roses only last, like, a couple of weeks, and that is if you leave them in water. And they really only exist to be pretty, so that's like saying "My love for you is transitory, and based solely on your appearance." But, a potato! Potatoes last forever. Not only will it not rot, but it actually grows stuff. There are so many ways to enjoy a potato! You can even make a battery with it! And that is like saying, "I have many ways in which I show my love for you." Potatoes may not look much, but they're still awesome. So that is like saying, "It doesn't matter at all what you look like, I will still love you."
by shivers October 28, 2004
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