4 definitions by sherlock holmes

An individual, usually a swimmer,
who picks up outdated "Gansta Speak"
from other swimteam members who don't
know what their talking about.
Bee said
"PEACE OUT! From your homie g-dawg!"
To the coolest kid in the world after
hearing it a few times at the NOMAD meet.
by sherlock holmes March 21, 2005
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Automatic Teller Machine - Australia's poor alternative to EFTPOS (Electronic Funds Transaction at Point Of Sale)
Tourist: "Do you take EFTPOS?"
Australian Shopkeeper: "Crikey deeek mate, what's eeftpos? There's an ATM over there" -->
Tourist (sarcastically): "Yeah, sure. I don't mind paying a $10 Cash Advance fee at the ATM when I could just use EFTPOS for free" (Why can't Australia just accept EFTPOS like the rest of the world does?)
by sherlock holmes January 7, 2005
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Canibais salientes is a group of young brazilian girls that dance Ragatanga (or Boy is a Bottom), love gay couples, crave world domination and like to make satanic rituals to honor Bryan Fuller, Mads Mikkelsen and Hugh Dancy.
Q : Do you (wor)ship Hannigram, Johnlock, Cherik, Spirk and other male pairings?
A: Yes!
Q: Do you desire world domination?
A: muffled sobbing yes
Q: Are you omnipresent?
A: Hell yeah
Q: Do you practice yoga and cadeira rodada?
A: Yep. McAvoy and Fassbender too
Canibais Salientes: You're in.
by sherlock holmes May 3, 2014
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See "beast"
Anything positive or "the best"
See "hot"
You're going to the concert?!? That is SO boist!
by sherlock holmes November 4, 2003
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