2 definitions by shakeitoff

An emotional-intelligence based instrument of the brain, used in social settings, or other, to detect and pre-determine potentially psychotic, selfish, arrogant, spoilt, obsessive, stalker, head-screwing type of behaviour in prospective hookups, love interests, employers, friends etc..

Primarily used to avoid making the mistake of any future interaction with that person, whether it be physical, emotional, or other!
Person 1- hey Sarah, that guy over there is cute, no? wow he could be the father of my children!

Person 2- nah babe, the Psychometer is going off the richter!! don't need another one of those! they just screw with our heads and hearts!

Person 1- ah what a shame, thought he could've been a contender, in the running, as 'the one'!

Person 2- nope. let's get outta here chica

Person 1- yeah, nexxxxt
by shakeitoff October 26, 2011
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The addition of the word "gay" to Internet search queries to get LGBT-specific results.
Ben wasn't getting any usable results from googling "how to get a guy to like you" so he had to gayfix it to "how to get a guy to like you gay."
by shakeitoff August 24, 2014
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