1 definition by shaggydagy

A person that was born in Veracruz, Mexico. This isn't a degradatory name, people from Veracruz are proud to be Jarochos, unlike Chilangos (people born in Mexcico, D.F.) that is a term to define pretentious, filthy city rats.

The term jarocho in its literal meaning describes irreverent people, and perfectly describe people from Veracruz, because of their funny attitude and the strong language used in this state of Mexico. People outside Veracruz may find the language too strong because of the repeatedly use of obscenity, but once you understand beyond those words there are very funny, kind, straight, and .. respectfull people.
I'm big time jarocho for ever and ever... and I'm fucking proud of it.

p1: Are you jarocho?

p2: You can bet your mother fucking ass I am (transaltion: yes).
by shaggydagy March 30, 2006
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