1 definition by scranged

(1) an exclamation or reaction of inarticulate despair, preferably with a good dose of being overfamiliar and bored with the situation thrown in. The verbal equivalent of scratching your fingernails down a blackboard. Best uttered by two or more people at once.

(2) (vb) to do something impressively badly, preferably when there is an audience to witness and berate you for how badly you did it.

(3) Scrangeometer (n) a dial that accurately measures exactly how scrange-worthy any action or situation might be.
(1) A: Yeah, I had a row with my girlfriend.

B: And it rained all day.

C: And they'd run out of Fudge Brownie Ice cream in Sainsbury's.

A, B and C: Scraaaange!

(2) Sorry, I've completely scranged this up. You'll have to bin it and start again.

(3) Eeek! I think that's about a 9.5 on the scrangeometer.
by scranged May 5, 2011
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