1 definition by sapphoskitchenwitch

1. An term of endearment for someone who is struggling emotionally, but still functional. May be used self-referentially.

2. To express concern or emotional distress about something, often over which one has no real control. Somewhere in-between whining and venting.

Origin: "Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down," a slogan for an old Hasbro toy.

"I had the crappiest day today and I don't know how tomorrow will be, but I made it through work without fleeing, screaming out into the street.
Aw. Good weeble. ::hug::
Yup. We wobble, but we don't fall down."


"I'm sorry I've been so weebly at you lately.
Don't worry about it! I know you're going through a rough patch. Weeble at me as much as you need to."

by sapphoskitchenwitch February 29, 2008
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