2 definitions by santos miguelito

Atheism, in its broadest sense, is a lack of belief in a deity or deities. The opposite of theism, this broad definition encompasses both people who assert that there are no gods and those who make no claim about whether gods exist or not. Narrower definitions of atheism typically include only those who assert the nonexistence of gods, excluding non-believing agnostics and other non-theists. it is the burden of the believer to support his or her belief, not the other way around.

A strong believer in reality. What is there is there. And what isn't must be some good drugs or mental illness. Atheists believe that Scientific method should be used for deduction of fact. a set of false positives and true natural thought should prove that talking to air or dirt or trees on fire do not make you a prophet.

Be happy with life on this plane of exsitence. hope in more, or gifts rained down from above is greed.
Jerry Falwell: you unclean godless sinners will all go to hell!
Atheist: Ahem, No, Jerry. Your belief in hell, however strong does not make it real. If God is so great, why are all of his Christian Church leaders touching young boys? Oh Jerry, you are a Church leader, are you touching little boys?

Your belief in ghosts & goblins does not make it so. Ever notice how the words Church and crutch sound so similar? To the average exchange student they do not hear a difference when hearing English.
by santos miguelito September 6, 2006
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Where traditional firing squads assure the death of the captive, a Mexican Firing Squad is different. It is a strategic blunder, mistake, ill concieved plan, or it can be planned by an itiod in where the prisoner is surrounded by troops with weapons ready to fire, but the armed party is in a circle.

If you do not see where this causes the problem read on or you might find yourself in one someday; a circle is good for ring-around-the-rosey and for pioneers to circle wagons to shoot away from, but to fire in a circle means that a few bullets will go outside of the circle eventually and most likely hit somone on the other end.
The bank robber got away the second time when the Texas State Troopers formed a Mexican Firing Squad and killed eath other letting the 2-bit hood escape.
by santos miguelito September 21, 2006
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