1 definition by sammmmalammmma

what can we say about north andover.....

well for starts this town sucks!!!
theres not much to do besides hang out downtown, which is lame, and ur automatically druggie if u hang there. pretty much weekends consist of getting fucked up!! and thats pretty much it.
so lets talk about the girls in the high school
each year the freshman girls get sleezeier and easier. and the majority of na girls have fake tans, white teeth,they all wear ugg boots and drink D&D .NA runs on dunkins!! there all 2 faced rich bitches who think there the shit. they get used by every guy in school. there the kind of girls that drunk before the dances but cant handle it. so they end making them look even worse then before. GOOD JOBS girls! there like talking to a parott, they repeat everything to anyone!!!
alright heres to the boys..
NA boys also suck. no manners imature, playa's and liers.
there is a one in a million chance that ull get a good one. its so hard to find a guy in this town. and if u do hes already slept with the cheerleading squad and half the FB team! the preppy ones suck mad dick and think they know everything.
PS NA IS not the hood!!!!!!!! wear clothes that fit you!!!!
kids in NA think there ghetto. but when they school they get in there BMW mustangs, Lexus.. good one!
hippi kids
these are the best kids i have ever met in my life. these are the real life kids in the town they no whats good. and they no how life works. thats because they dont get everything handed to them. they have to figure out how to live and how to get by in life. i have the best times with them! skipping school smoking weed! goign the mall! smoking butts drinking have a grand old time!!!!!!
love them
emo kids
they need to shower!!!!!!!!!! like u smelll!!!!!! there not even like emo they pretend. ripped shirts and bandana spikey hair black eyeliner doesnt make u emo!! it just makes u werid. MCR sucks!!!!!!!!!! grr they make me mad
this town is pretty much worst then any other town around here
north andover girl: omg i got so trashed this weekend. i like jumped on 20 guys and fell down the stairs! i was like sooooo drunk
other NA girl: omg where they hott?!
by sammmmalammmma January 5, 2008
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