1 definition by sacko

A small, angry, British performer who merely acts out songs developed in a studio by a group of producers. Occasionally, Collins will pay his agents to spread news about charity donations and civic contributions...none of which were dealt with willingly or directly by Collins. The only motive for which is the ensurance of continuation of record sales and passable public image to dilute the reality of his unabashedly self-centered, ill-willed, simply perverse ways, not to mention his utter lack of musical ability.
Do you listen to Phil Collins?
Who? Bill Collings?
No, Phil Collins!
Oh him. No way, he sucks. My sister went to one of his concerts once and got violently molested by a drunkard who got turned on when Phil started playing pocket pool and groping himself on stage. Hes a real degenerate.
by sacko October 3, 2007
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