3 definitions by rmw889


(n) An awsome game that comes on any good linux distro. It involves steering a 3-D penguin down a slope and collecting fish at speeds exceeding 80mph! If your linux disto dont come with Tux-Racer, than you need to change to one that does.
Hah! I beat your time and your fish count in Tux-Racer!
by rmw889 May 20, 2004
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rough and raw

(n) The act of having anal sex without proper lubrication.

(adj) A way of having anal sex without lubrication
We did it rough and raw in her mailbox.

Her chocolate starfish was bleeding after we banged her rough anw raw.
by rmw889 May 20, 2004
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Dependecy Hell

(n) A state that computers running a RPM-Based linux system get into. It minvolves Package A needing package B, and Package B needing packages C & D, amd Package C needs package F, while package D is incompatible with package F. This situation can be easily solved by using a linux distro without RPMS, like debian or gentoo for example.
I cant play Tux-Racer because of a dependency in it!
by rmw889 May 20, 2004
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