2 definitions by rilakkuma <3

a beautiful girl who is very hot and a lesbian. they use she/they pronouns, but are questioning. they always win at everything and are very athletic. she is kind of insecure, and hates her smile, but everybody knows that its so attractive and she is very attractive. she is a stupendous being and nobody can live without them. they are so hot
lesbian #1: damn is that lolly? she fine asf
lesbian #2: yeah, she is the hottest lesbian i’ve ever met
lesbian #1: she better be single bc she about to be my gf
by rilakkuma <3 December 31, 2022
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Evie is a very extroverted and loud person, but not the annoying kind, the one you can listen to all day and never get bored. The one that makes you smile whenever she walks into the room. She is very kind and always has your back if something happens to you, and has immaculate style. She is always caught up in the latest trends and she is always open for advice, whether it’s emotionally or just picking the right clothes. She is very, very pretty, even though she may not know it, and everything looks good on her. She has many friends and always makes you smile.
I wish I could be like Evie”
by rilakkuma <3 June 12, 2022
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