1 definition by retroreflector

No-one is entirely sure whether the obscure Åse (pronounced similarly to Oh-seh) exists or not. In folk tales they are known for being a mess of a person, usually found anywhere but Scandinavia, as they have strong instincts to escape their birthplace in their pursuit of purpose. Perhaps the most famous fictional Åse is found in "Peer Gynt", a the famous play by Ibsen, where they're presented as a peasant's widow. One of the most famous parts of the soundtrack for this play is "Åse's Death", which plays each time an Åse gives up and dissolves back into the aether.

If you encounter an Åse, be cautious. They are very perceptive of fake smiles, and will become aggravated when being lied to. Presuming that you believe your music taste is good, you may offer them a recommendation. If they approve you could now be considered friends; if not – walk quickly in the opposite direction.
Often Åse talks about anti-capitalism; it makes me want to start a revolution!
by retroreflector December 17, 2020
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