2 definitions by red Queen 145

A species is a monster that sucks blood from humans or animals they can Sparkle but most the time they burn up in the sunlight when they suck blood from only animals and not humans they are referred to as vegetarian but most believe that is an inaccurate description Stephenie Meyer's made a fantastic romantic story about vampires most people dislike this.
Isabella swan in love with a Vampire named Edward cullen
by red Queen 145 May 31, 2018
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A species is a monster that sucks blood from humans or animals they can Sparkle but most the time they burn up in the sunlight when they suck blood from only animals and not humans they are referred to as vegetarian but most believe that is an inaccurate description Stephenie Meyer's made a fantastic romantic story about vampires most people dislike this.
Isabella swan in love with a Vampire named Edward cullen
by red Queen 145 May 31, 2018
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