1 definition by rawr_rawr_rawr
ok they're not pop punk. punk is sex pistols (to be overly obvious) or the distillers or the specials or ramones or whatever. punk is pretty much dead. there is still punk music, but the era is over and so are the people. even if you truly are punk you wouldn't label yourself. why bother? i wouldnt say blink were posers, they know who they are but it reeli pisses me off when ppl say htey are anything to do wiht punk. yes, they have giutars, voices, fans but theyre not punk. theyre pop rock. and the genre doesnt really matter anyways if you really like the music
person: i love blink 182 ther so hardcore
other person: no there not. theyre fine, but ther not hardcore
other person: no there not. theyre fine, but ther not hardcore
by rawr_rawr_rawr January 25, 2006