1 definition by randomuser12371248947981748912

Tasha’s are a special specimen that are extremely nice when you get to know them, but at first are arrogant dicks. If you have a Tasha in your life, keep a solid following distance unless if you want to talk her in which case go for it. They are extremely shy when you first meet them (but aggressive and feisty, then when you first start talking there will be some tantrums, then further in they are extremely nice and close, and then when you get even further into your friendship with a Tasha she starts to distance herself again because she wants to be chased. Tasha’s try not to have too many friends, but they friends that a Tasha has are really close to her. The creature that is Tasha tends to use snapchat with a filter to complain and rant about her terrible life and how much her parents hate her even though she has a lot going for her. If you ever meet a Tasha and get lucky enough to know one never let go.
Friend: There’s this new girl Tasha at school, have you talked to her?
You: I tried but she gave me the crazy eyes and threatened to murder me!
Friend: She is probably just shy give her a second chance
*Two months later*
Friend: You down to hangout tonight?
You: Sure let’s invite Tasha she’s really cool
*A fun night is had*
*One month later*
You: Bro Tasha blocked me on every platform and threatened to murder me and my whole family… Do you know what’s up?
Friend: She’s just being Tasha give it a week
*One week passes*
Tasha: Oh my god Insert your name we haven’t talked in so long lets hangout
*And the whole cycle repeats*
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