5 definitions by railerswim

(Noun) One who will do anything on facebook and see no consequences for their actions until those consequences come.
Becky posts everything on facebook, she is such a Facepak.
by railerswim January 2, 2011
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Something someone says to get attention and win an argument they know they can't win.
You fired me because I'm Hispanic. Don't pull the race card, I'm firing you because you a 28 year-old human male have thrown an unauthorized party in the office where the police had to break-up said party.

You fired me because I'm White. Don't pull the race card, you defrauded the company and embezzled.

You fired me because I'm Black. No, please no more race cards, I simply fired you because your friend borrowed your company car without authorization from me and he totaled it. It's either I fire you, you work for free, or you quit and get sued.
by railerswim August 20, 2014
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A socially accepted piece of a former Twilight Fan-Fiction erotic novel that is captivating females of all ages.
Why can't we watch porn in the breakroom? Because the female employees want to be able to read 50 Shades of Grey and not hear moaning...
by railerswim August 20, 2014
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Someone who has done nothing wrong in certain situations.
You are INNOCENT until proven guilty in a COURT OF LAW. And you are given a right to a FAIR trial.
by railerswim August 20, 2014
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People, and what we should refer to people as instead of referring to them by their race.
Michael Brown was a human being. The cop who was involved in that shooting is a human being. The children in Ferguson are human beings. Hitler was a human being. George Zimmerman is a human being.
by railerswim August 20, 2014
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