1 definition by rah?

Is a magical place that will suck the life out of you. Everyone who has tumblr either hates hipsters or is one.

There our many sides of tumblr..
-The hipster side (you might want to stay away from there)
-The punk/emo side
-The depressed side
-the funny side
-the cat posting side
-the band side
-the porn side

There are many more to discover. If you get a tumblr be prepared to lose all social life, tumblr people are weird hilarious sarcastic and amazing. You will never sleep again
Non-Tumblr user: Heyy, what happened to you? You used to be cool...
Tumblr user: Tumblr changed me

Tumblr user: I should probably sleep now
Tumblr user: nah
by rah? October 16, 2013
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