3 definitions by raccoonsuit

1. One who is so gay that his gayness dwarfs the gayness of all other fags. (Fag Juggernaut)
2. A fag of astronomical proportions.
3. A really big bundle of sticks.
I bow down to the one true faggernaut!
Keep that torch away from that faggernaut!
by raccoonsuit December 3, 2007
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1. One who is so gay that his gayness dwarfs the gayness of all other fags. (Fag Juggernaut)
2. A fag of astronomical proportions.
3. A really big bundle of sticks.
I bow down to the one true faggernaut!

Keep that torch away from that faggernaut!
by raccoonsuit December 3, 2007
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Any sandwich (or burger), typically healthy in nature, which, when consumed, makes you less of a man. ie. sprouting a vagina.
Kyle: Only one patty? If you keep eating those vagurgers, you'll sprout a vagina in no time!
by raccoonsuit December 3, 2007
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