16 definitions by rAz

Plural for nigga, (nigger). A word that describes IGNORANT African-American's. Do not judge the entire African-American race solely on this group.

(Mind you, I am a African-American, and not some racist prick.)
You can't take niggaz anywhere because they always screw things up!

1.) Can be found shouting at the screen in the back of the movie theater.
2.) Occasionally uses slang like their first language.
3.) They come in groups and destroy the friendly atmosphere of any public establishment.
4.) Purposely loud and obnoxious in public to prove how "hardcore" they are.
5.) Start fights with their race like no other.

by rAz June 18, 2006
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it goes both in2 luv n sex. luvin iz 2 gv n xpress ur luv bi sex or reeli makin luv!
Troy: kum here baby gimme papa sum luvin
Raz: um humm babi
by rAz December 18, 2004
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