3 definitions by queerunicorns

A random moment or time to dance, for no reason, BUT JUST TO DANCE. WOOOOOOOOOOooooo.
It could be a song that you want to rance to, or just because you can.
MOM are you rancing again...OMG you're embarrassing me.

OMG this is my jam!! i could just rance right now.

When I was your age I use to rance and rave. Dad you know it is the 21st century, we don't say that no more.
by queerunicorns April 13, 2015
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your favorite song at the moment. Or the jam that you eat.
OMG guys...guys this. Is. My JAM!! I just...just have to rance.
shh, my jam is on. SHUT UP, THIS IS MY JAM
This is my jam... no guys i'm serious, it's blueberry jam. It's awesome.
Shit, I missed my jam.
by queerunicorns April 13, 2015
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To agree in excitement or just to agree to something you have no idea about. (In a friend to friend conversation) NOT TO YOUR BOSS! please don't say it to you boss.
Friend 1 "Hey do ya want to go to see blah blah blah today."
Friend 2 "Awh yis."
Friend 1 " Awwwwwhhh yissss!"
Friend 2 "Yis."
Friend 1 "Awwwhhh yissssssssssssssss!!"
Friend 2 *death stares friend 1* "That's my word, DON'T USE IT!!"

Friend 1 "So were you even listening."
Friend 2 "Awh yis."
Friend 1 "Okay so should I do it."
Friend 2 "Hang on...WHAT?"
by queerunicorns April 13, 2015
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