1 definition by queenbhad

Skyler is a cocky ass son of a bitch but for some reason the ladies love him. He’s exstremly attactive, tall, sweet, and cuddly. He’s always a shoulder to cry on for anyone that needs one. No matter what the situation is he will try and help. He gets along with everyone and is the most outgoing person you’ll ever meet. He eats a lot, and I mean a lot. Like maybe, 4 brownies at once? And drinks 13 boxes of chocolate milk. Yeah, I know. Once he got his kinda set on a girl, he will go for her and never let her go. He treats his girl like gold, and annoys the shit out of her. If you have a skyler in your life never let him go.
“Who’s that guy with the book bag full of chocolate milk?”

“Oh, him? That’s Skyler.”

Sounds about right.”
by queenbhad March 2, 2018
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