1 definition by punkhop83 / Nickoli

In the car scene nowadays, wheel fitment is a big deal. To achieve a "FITTED" stance, one must have suspension modifications that allow the vehicle to sit low to the ground. Next would be the right rim size and offset. While choosing the right wheels may be difficult, its all about calculations along with trial and error. Now tires are just as important as a hotdog to a bun. One must find the correct size to fit the rim and try to get the lowest sidewall possible to allow the vehicle more low and less wheel gap. Last but not least is Camber and Stretch. Camber and Stretch allows the vehicle to run wider wheels than normal and tuck directly under the fenders for a super flush fitment.
Damn foo, check out that gangster ass LS430 over there. That shit is fitted son.
by punkhop83 / Nickoli December 28, 2010
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