1 definition by preppster.

Stamford is a beautiful city in connecticut, about 25 minutes from New York. Like every town or city it has its rich people, middle class, and poor. However, the most people here are generally well off. There are many nice parts of Stamford, and some bad parts further down. You can pretty much do anything, like shop, go to the movies, hike, and more. Guys and Girls seem to have a more prepped-out style and wear many different brands of clothing like Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, J. Crew, Abercrombie, Hollister, and more. The two main public high schools are Stamford High and Westhill. Both are good public schools and have made top lists. You will find many different types of people here from preppy to skaters.
ex. Stamford is a nice hard working city
by preppster. May 30, 2009
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