2 definitions by powertrash

A derogatory word for someone a certain person does not particularly like. Used to show how much person a knows about the "scene" by insulting person "b".
Person B: Hey! Do you like Taking Back Sunday?
Person A: Oh my god. You are so lame. Taking Back Sunday isn't cool.
Person B: ...
Person A: And are those Converse? Don't you know everyone wears Vans? You're such a poser.
Person B: *slits wrists in the bathroom*
by powertrash June 17, 2005
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1. Gay loser. Used by people who hate gays.
2. Emo loser. Used by people that hate emo kids.
1. You're queermo, asshat.
2. Yeah, so there were a bunch of queermo kids pissing me off today so I hung them up by their stretched out earlobes and let them bleed to death.
by powertrash June 17, 2005
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