2 definitions by pimpnasty101

White, powdery substance that can be seen on or fall of old men i.e. dandruff.
Man our history teacher left crowder powder on the desk last period!
by pimpnasty101 February 2, 2011
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A sexual act of biting a willing or unwilling partners nipple during intercourse. Sneaky starks are very risky and sometimes done out of anger. If participant is kinky, sneaky starks can be done in order to stimulate pleasure.

Sneaky - bite draws blood.
Super sneaky - the nipple is completely bit off. Leaving a nipple-less boob.
Guy 1: I was with this chick last night who only had one nipple! The other was all bloody and was bit off!

Guy 2: She must be kinky, sounds like she got a sneaky stark recently!
by pimpnasty101 February 6, 2011
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