2 definitions by peppapigupyourassksksksk

A female with a hot bod and a big ass. She falls in love way too easily and is really kind and loyal. She has dated many people but leaves them in the past. Once she likes you, she won't stop trying to get you to like her back. She has a hard time trying to stick with one guy and everyone calls her a hoe for it. She can't control her emotions as easily as most but if you stick with her, she'll try her best.
person #1 Yo Jaydan is such a hoe! person #2 No she's not! She's just a hot girl who needs someone to stick with her! person #1 But she's dated 2 guys in one month! person #2 Because they didn't try to stick with her! She is the bestest girlfriend if guys would actually care.
by peppapigupyourassksksksk October 15, 2019
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October 15th: On this day, you will do or have done one of these things.

kiss someone you like on the lips
slap someones ass
ask your crush out
or all of the above
On October 15th watch out for your ass getting slapped, getting kissed, getting asked out, or all of the above.
by peppapigupyourassksksksk October 15, 2019
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