1 definition by penguinporkchop
The opposite of a furry. Some animals like to dress up as people and have sex with each other, sometimes this causes confusion.
Girl: Ohmigawd am I blowing a bear?
Guy: Furries are disgusting
Guy 2: Not as bad as a skinny
Guy: What dat?
Guy 2: It's an animal dressing up like a man to have sex
Guy: That sounds pretty bad
Guy 2: Well even that isn't as bad as a skinny dressing up like a furry, but then it just gets confusing.
Girl: Ohmigawd am I blowing a bear?
Guy: Furries are disgusting
Guy 2: Not as bad as a skinny
Guy: What dat?
Guy 2: It's an animal dressing up like a man to have sex
Guy: That sounds pretty bad
Guy 2: Well even that isn't as bad as a skinny dressing up like a furry, but then it just gets confusing.
by penguinporkchop April 26, 2010