1 definition by paulakatam

This type of communication typically comes from individuals who are in the habit of making excuses for their actions. They know that they have a commitment they haven’t met, and, instead of facing the music, they choose to say “I’m sorry” to skirt the issue.


If you’ve not understood something.

If you brush against someone.

When you’re trying to settle an argument.

When you’re aware that you know better, but you would rather humour the opposite person.

When you are trying to be assertive about a situation.

When you know you have done something because there was a need for it.

When you know you are better educated than someone you are talking to.

“I’m sorry I didn’t show up on time.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t call.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t get that done.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t clean my room.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t do my homework.”

“I’m sorry I wasn’t home on time.”
This boy or girl says sorry unconsciouly just like saying hello or good-bye, sorry, In fact, non-apologetic phrases like ‘excuse-me’ and even ‘please’ are being replaced by ‘sorry’. I thnk he/she has the case of the Sorry Syndrome
by paulakatam June 17, 2009
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