2 definitions by pan tadeusz

Probably one of the most bi-polar you will every meet. Can be one of the most awesome people on the planet one minute but piss him off and you will wish Armageddon came a day earlier. Especially when he gets drunk.

He's a often perceived as a flirt with the ladies and will probably take your woman off your hands. But ladies, if you are lucky enough to get selected he will work your socks off alllllllll niiiiiight.

It's probably why his other name is Magic.
Whoa, be careful of your girl, he might pull a Maciej.
by pan tadeusz December 2, 2009
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Very intelligent and funny. But a complete princess. Will drive you insane with her Disney lifestyle. She’s looking for her Prince Charming but she’s really just looking for a Disney character and not a human being. She’s a refugee because her ex husband got tired of her shit and so did her community. Now she’s looking for a sucker in the USA.
Hey it’s Roza. Shut up if you don’t want to die.
by pan tadeusz October 11, 2023
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