1 definition by oohhhheyyy

a Paityn is a girl who people generally think is annoying but when you get close to her she is anything but . she protects those she loves and is super nice . you don't wanna get on her bad side though or she'll pop your ass . she can seem mean to those who she doesn't fw but she really is nice . she acts so mean to those who she isn't close with because she's scared they'll do it to her first . Paityn has a few close friends but not a lot . she used to have a lot but now has only a few the people she trusts . Paityn is very insecure with every thing about her . she is unapologetically herself and will stop at nothing to make sure everyone knows it . but when she is alone she cry seemingly for hours about how depressed she is . Paityn's normally have daddy issues , even though Paityn's may seem mean when you meet a Paityn you have to remember how much she has been through
"Paityn is so k ind when you meet her ."

"Paityn is the best bestfriend ever'

"i'm so lucky to have Paityn by myside '
by oohhhheyyy March 31, 2018
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