1 definition by one-5

The obligatory release of semen typically from the male body into some sort of containment device such as a napkin or a tissue to be later discarded. Although this is usually a night-time practice to finally get some sleep, running a batch can happen most anytime there is downtime throughout the day. This includes: not getting sex after begging for it anywhere between 5-35 minutes, having no direction in your life and running a batch just because the internet happens to be available, or going home empty handed after a night out clubbing.
Zeke (after a long night out): "Bro you wanna go hit Denny's for a Grand Slam breakfast since we struck out tonight?"

Me: "Naw man, I think I'm gunna go home, run a batch and call it a night."
by one-5 February 24, 2010
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