2 definitions by ohh_yeah_fuckin_jeff

Metrosexual male whose style and identity has been heavily influenced by White Claw Hard Seltzer. Often spotted in groups, known as clawboyz, sporting various colors of spandex that coincide with their favorite White Claw flavors. Clawboyz can be spotted in packs, riding on mopeds and inflatable scooters, and sometimes are mistaken for low budget Power Rangers cosplay.

Note: In large metropolitan areas, clawboyz sometimes form gangs based on their origin flavor. For example cherryboyz rarely team up with lemonboyz, but might make alliances with limeboyz (or limeladz) based on their complimentary flavors.
Before I was a clawboy, I used to drink Pabst, but now I realize that beer is just Wheat Seltzer and is totally ruining my figure.
by ohh_yeah_fuckin_jeff April 28, 2021
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A group sex event involving several women with large areolas, also known as Frisbees, standing in different locations on a field. See Disc Golf.
Going to drain some claw and go frizzing with the boyz this weekend
by ohh_yeah_fuckin_jeff April 28, 2021
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