1 definition by nowi'mlyingonthecoldhardground

James Potter was an incredibly talented, good-looking, brave and most importantly, GOOD person. He and Snape shared a Malfoy/Harry relationship; Jo HAS confirmed that James wasn't bullying him. Snape got back at him a lot. James hated and was disgusted by Snape's Dark Arts infatuation (much like Harry at Draco) and this was his unconscious reason for troubling him. He had a huge, HUGE crush on Lily Evans, his pretty fellow Gryffindor with red hair and green eyes. She used to despise him for how he behaved with Snape but also secretly admired him for his bravely and loyalty, one example being when he saved Snape's life down at the Whomping Willow without a concern for his own. His crush eventually grew out into love, and she agreed, after years of him asking her out, to go out with him. She fell in love with him too, and Snape hated James for that. But please let us not forget that SNAPE was the reason they got killed in the first place and James died out of love for Lily and his son Harry. James used to be proud and arrogant but he grew out of it. Snape remained a bully. So, overall, 'James Potter' can be used as a definition of 'extremely-and-absolutely-charming-amazing-and-handsome-brave-person' and also for someone following the object of his affections who doesn't like him back. Well, not YET! ;)
Take my advice, Mark, and don't go pulling a James Potter on Sophia. She really does NOT like you, whatever you may think
(in contradiction to the girl actually having a hidden crush on the guy as compared to what JK Rowling implied was the case with Lily)
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