2 definitions by nothingnotmuch

A person who refuses education or openmindedness, does not want to better themselves.
yo! i'm white trash because i hate niggers, the police, and love me taking advantage of welfare.
by nothingnotmuch May 29, 2008
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a word that actual obese people are terrified of, so they madly defend themselves on urban dictionary claiming they are allergic to exercise and healthy eating.

fat people cannot say it is a result of multiple causes because everyone knows it is a load of crap. these are the people that see commercials for diet pills and think "OH MY GOD! its not my fault i'm fat, it wasnt those gummy bears and popcorn, I"M JUST STRESSEC OUT!!!"
FAT PERSON: I am fat because my mother beat me and i was upset so i ate at the buffet.

FIT PERSON: No, sweetheart, you're fat because you overate and didnt exercise, ignored the fact that you were gaining weight for a long time and then woke up one morning and said "gee, im really really fat (cries)
by nothingnotmuch May 29, 2008
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